Major media basically ignored them.
These scientists, attending the Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen, issued their plea last Friday. The UK’s Telegraph and The Guardian were some of the few major press that covered the story. The following link is from the Telegraph.
World's leading scientists in desperate plea to politicians to act on climate change
Given that few corporations own all major media, the media’s lack of response is hardly a surprise. News on the Climate Change Summit spread through the blogosphere like wildfire though.
Word needs to get out. Please email this story to your family, friends and colleagues. Write to your representatives. Don’t delay! We’re talking about our descendents’ future. If you’re a parent or grandparent – or parent to be - think of your kids. I think of my niece and nephew. Put a face to this. It’s their faces. It’s this personal. It matters this much. Please get the word out.
The London G20 Summit takes place next week. Sign the AVAAZ Petition demanding a green recover now.
Write to your representatives at the local, provincial/state and federal levels to commit to:
- Cut carbon dioxide to at least 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050.
- Stop subsidizing fossil fuel immediately.
- Make retrofitting houses, buildings and factories a priority.
- Invest heavily in public transit.
- Invest in cleaner and greener cities.
- Support market development of clean energy technologies that include solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and wave.
- Stop putting your eggs in the carbon sequestration and ‘clean’ coal baskets. The former will take years to be cost effective and environmentally sustainable (if ever). The latter simply doesn’t exist. It’s an idea only. A true oxymoron.
- Stop supporting nuclear. Help homeowners and businesses generate the bulk of their own power.
These investments will create thousands of jobs committed to work that needs to be done immediately. These are smart solutions in troubled times.
Please visit your city’s and Province/State’s websites to locate contact details of your representatives. For your federal representative, click on one of the following:
Please write! We’re talking about your kids here.
1 comment:
Hi Cheryl,
You've really posted some great stuff in here. I found your blog when searching for people out there producing content, writing blogs, making videos with an interest in the Environment and making a difference.
I belong to and work with We are community of like minded folks passionate about the environment. I'd like to invite you to check out our community, join up and possibly post your content there as well. It'll provide another channel for your voice, and possibly allow you to build connections to fellow people writing/producing videos, etc., about environmental issues.
Please do check us out if you have the time, consider joining up and syndicating some of your posts there. Perhaps we can help you get connected up with some fellow passionate people who care about our world, and get some exposure to your posting.
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